Circus is OPENING! +Poster Contest #2 Winner
We’re excited to announce that Circus will be launching our shop in Albany, NY on 9/16!
NYC graffiti head Al Diaz and our print wizard Bryan will be joining forces to create new works and prints together and a workshop of how you can do it. This open day is free for anyone to attend and enjoy the workshops and music. We have RapDillz doing a workshop on how to create your own merch, and music throughout the day by: Earth’s Children (Krautrock jams), Sime Gezus w/ Slow Pace and Werewolves Connected Sense of Vibrations (on beats). Food is on hand from local Fam Apartment Pizza.
Happy to announce the winner of our second poster contest, Tulip City Creative. We’ll be printing these up in the future. More news soon!